Who is the Air7 for?
Anyone with an NSP Race FSL or a Performance Race FSL is already familiar with the Air7, as it comes standard with the high-performance inflatable racer by NSP.
Numerous other suppliers also manufacture inflatables for the Air7 so if you own an inflatable SUP board with oval cutout towards the end of your board, chances are your board was designed around the Air7 fin box as well. Download the manual in .PDF here.
Air7 assembly
Making sure your fin setup is performing at its very best is easy – just follow the step-by-step video tutorial on this page.
Should you have an earlier version of the Air7, check out this video instead.
Having a fin mounted flush to a truly flat surface, without screws, baseplates or other drag-generating complications is a game-changer in High-Performance endurance paddling and you will notice the difference!
Low profile
The V3 is more hydrodynamic than other fin boxes on the market, with a flat profile for minimal drag. Without the protruding fin boxes most inflatable SUP boards feature, the drag coefficient of the Air7 approaches the performance of conventional raceboards.
Stronger and stiffer
Not only joined to the bottom surface, the V3 mounts the standing surface and internals of your board. This makes for a much stronger bond, translating to less flex and more efficiency.
Completely removable – travel easier, stow smarter
Your board is less cumbersome and much easier to roll up and pack. To retailers and warehouses, the benefits include: smaller packing, less storage volume, less warehouse space and reduced transportation fees.
Replacement parts made easy
Fixing and replacing broken fin boxes is a stressful, costly and inconvenient experience for anyone. Eliminating downtime on the water is key and with the “pop-in and go” ease of the V3 , riders are back on the water in no time. Replacement parts can now be easily kept in stock, greatly reducing shipping back and forth across the world.
Better for the environment
Reduced shipping volume = smaller carbon footprint. In addition, with a non-permanent, non-glued and removable part, it is much easier to replace and recycle due to damage or at the end of board life. The V3 puts us one step closer to saving the planet!

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