Sabine Ficher

Sabine Fischer

Sabine Fischer


Birthday: Nov 4th
Home Spot: Bielersee, Switzerland
Disciplines: SUP Racing
Sponsors: NSP, Vey Apparel, Sunset Shop


Sabine (Sabe) came to SUP Racing recently due to a revalidation process caused by a double knee surgery. Being told to do as much sport as possible involving stability, SUP Racing fit the bill perfectly.

Sabe first competed at the Glagla 2023, finishing in 6th position.

From then on, Sabe participated in national and international events, continuing a long line of competition in dance and snowboarding.

Always on the lookout for a new challenge, Sabe loves to compete, train and improve her personal records.

“Being the best at what you do comes into play, but ultimately I crave the feeling of training, improving your performance and the thrill running up and during a competition.”
Sabine Fischer

Coming from Switzerland where most bodies of water are still and deep, Sabe is currently focusing on improving her racing abilities in waves and choppy conditions you typically encounter outside of Switzerland. It turns out a background in competitive snowboarding and dancing is extremely helpful getting a high level of balance dialed in.


– 1st place at the «SUP Race around Nidau» (all-time record women 5.2 km – 31.38 – 9.9 km/h Switzerland)
– 1st place long-distance «SUP Alps Trophy Munich (Germany)
– 2nd place technical race «SUP Alps Trophy Munich (Germany)
– 2nd place at the long-distance «SUP Suisse Tour Uster» (Switzerland)
– 2nd place at the long distance « SUP Suisse Tour Salavaux » (Switzerland)
– 1st place sprint «SUP Suisse Tour Zurich» (Switzerland)
– 2nd place technical race (Switzerland)
– 3rd place long distance at the «SUP Alps Trophy Lago di Alpi» (Germany)
– 3rd place long distance at the «SUP Alps Trophy Altmühlesee»
– 1st place Sprint race (Germany)
– 2nd place overall at the «SUP Alps Trophy 2023» (German Tour)
– 3rd place long distance at the «SUP Suisse Tour Bern» (Switzerland)
– 6th place long distance at the «Gla Gla Race» (France)
– 9th place at the «Eurotour» in Sevilla (Spain)